Hello, and welcome to Angela’s Anime blog! This is a blog about anime and what it is really and what can you get out of it. Most people when they think of anime, they would say, 14 year old school girls in sluttly clolths, or its just for kids. Well, I can’t say that’s not true, but would it be true if someone said, all country music is about drinking beer, loving America, and having sex, or even metal song is about satanic cult? Are there some anime that is more revealing than others? Yes. Are some for kids? Yes. But it's not just that. There is so much more into anime than just kids and 14 year olds in slutty clothes. Its about expressing the animator's imagination. And how you can get through tough times, like death, war, diseases, or even the hard truth of just growing up, losing your parents or loved ones.
The next following posts will be about the following; what is it and why do people get into it, to see what types of anime is good for what person, how someone can learn how to respect the animators work, how to not be shy when you tell people you are into anime.
Keep in mind, this isn’t for everyone, and that is okay. We do not have to like the same thing. That is what’s great about anime. There are hundreds of different types and genres of anime. And you don’t have to like the same ones as others. Its great to express yourself, and this is different way on how.
Hope you enjoy the blog.