Monday, September 14, 2015

How to love the work and not to be shy #4

How to love the work and not to be shy!

How to respect the animator’s work, also how to not be shy when you tell people you are into anime. That’s not the easiest to do. Especially if you can draw really well. Well, I can’t draw. Sometimes eyes. But that’s about it.

So imagine, trying to draw a scene where two or more people are fighting and making sure that you have everything the way you want it. Or what some people do is exaggerate the features of some part of the body. Like parts of this clip, it’s from an anime called Fooly Cooly, just saying, it’s very weird. I like it, this is my boyfriend's favorite anime. And the animation is great in it, it’s just the story is kinda weird, also some symbolism...can be kinda weird. Also this picture is from Fooly Cooly, you can see how its kinda exaggerated. Funny clips of Fooly Cooly
Another way to think about it, if you are an artist, you know how hard it is to draw certain parts of the human body like hands, feet, ears, etc. So when you know how hard something is, you can really learn how to appreciate it more. Like how when you watch a sport on TV and you can sit there and say “Oh, that’s easy, I can do that!” Then you try it...and it doesn't work out at all. Well this is a good thing to think about when you are watching anime. Also just the art itself, thinking about someone sitting and putting out their ideas, and see if anyones likes it. That’s a big risk, because there is so much time spent on the idea. Like One Piece. I’ve never watched it, because, it has 711 episodes, and it first came out in 1999. And I believe the manga is still ongoing….That is a huge project! A couple of my friends have watched it, and yes, all episodes. Other ones include, Bleach, Naruto and some others you can find would be on WatchMojo, where they talk about other good long running anime. WatchMojo top 10 long running Animes

The next thing I want to talk about is how not to be shy. For me it was really hard, because growing up the friends I did have, didn’t like it or only like one or two. When I got older, when I told people, they always gave me a weird look. Which was hard to get over. It wasn’t until I was 15, I really opened up to a couple of people and they were into anime as much as I was. It was great! 
The way I see it, it's like talking about a sport with someone. You talk about it with so much excitement in your voice, and sometimes its hard to talk about it. I wish it could be as common as talking about sports or a famous person. Because, anime is like stepping into another world, and you see how people grow, and how they laugh and learn. It’s wonderful. Also the music is awesome. A couple of my favorite.

So after a couple years, I’m a proud 18 year old, that is not afraid to say I love anime. I hope you enjoyed the blog. It was really fun to make. If you have any questions, you can always ask.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

So what is out there? #3

So what is out there?

So, are you a romantic? Supernatural? Maybe even horror? These are all good questions to ask yourself before you start watching anime. But, I even have to admit, sometimes I’m not in the mood. However, if you do wanna watch. Some good ones to watch just to get into, would be My Little Monster, Noragami, Tokyo Ghoul. Well, with Tokyo Ghoul, its more violent so keep that one in the back until you think you can handle it.

My little monster.jpg

My little Monster
Shizuku Mizutani, who is an extremely hard working student, and she mets this reckless boy named Haru Yoshida, who sits next to Shizuku in class but rarely attends school. Even though, he gets better grades than her sometimes. One that does not stop her for being the top of her class. The show goes through how love can really change someone. Because Haru used to get in fights all the time, however he was so smart they didn’t want to kick him out.  And Haru falls in love with Shizuku, but she doesn’t love him at first. Keep in mind, I don’t watch a lot of romantic anime, here and there is nice. Sometimes people can over do it. However this is a good one, just to check out."My Little Monster" Little Clip

Noragami .jpg

Its about a god who is trying to be remembered, and if you look at  his background that wasn’t always a good God. However he is trying to get over the past to start a new. And the girl, Hiyori, “saved” Yato, the god, from a bus. I say saved because Hiyori gets hit, and is now a half-phantom. Which means that she is half dead. And she goes along with Yato to try to fix her to make sure that she won’t die. This kind of anime would be more for people who are into the supernatural. And even some religious people, because they talk a bit about Japanese religion, and they show some more popular gods. Also here is a short trailer about season one, that’s not bad.
Trailer for Noragami


Tokyo Ghoul
If you want more horror/gore. Well, I can name a bunch that all are really good. Just the level of mental "messing", varies. Like I’ve mentioned earlier I am a huge fan of Tokyo Ghoul. Now, I’m going to nerd out a bit, so excuse me. But, Tokyo Ghoul is about a boy named, Kaneki Ken and he is the picture on the side. He was human, however he was turned into a ghoul. Now a ghoul is someone who looks like a human, however they can not eat human food, they can only drink black coffee, and eat humans and other ghouls. So, needless to say, why the humans and ghouls don’t get along. But, you can kill them, by ripping off their spine, because that is where their power is. Now, with this clip, I did find a censored one, for the weak hearted. However you can find an uncensored clip of the fighting. So please, if you don't want to watch it, you don’t have to.  "Fighting"
That’s all for today, if you are interested in any or all of these animes, Netflix is a good way to watch a lot of anime. But not Tokyo Ghoul, I found it on youtube, and when you do make sure you have subtitles, because most of the time they speak in Japanese. Another good website is called Next time I will be talking about, how someone can learn how to respect the animators' work.

See you next time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What is Anime [blog #2]

So What is Anime? 

Well that’s a very broad term. If you are going by the dictionary/Google, anime is a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children. If you are looking for my definition, anime is a style of cartoon that is from Japan and that is more directed to the Japanese audience. Some may say that well, thats the same definition, well its not. There is a large discussion on what anime is really. This guy does a good job kinda explain it more. "What is Anime?"

           So he talks about some different shows that are, or were on the air, Avatar and The Legend of Korra is a good example of this. I’ve watched Avatar more than Korra, so please keep that in mind. Avatar, the image above, is a show that was made in the US, and it was aimed for people who watch anime. However some people do not consider it “anime” because is was not made in Japan even though it has clear anime like style. This was difficult to explain to some people. Because it was made in the US, with its western type of fighting, however it does have a lot of influence from anime. To me, it is a cartoon. Because, its origins are from the US, not Japan. However if you look at Sailor Moon,the image below, which was made in Japan, by Japanese creators, and the original language is Japanese, that is an anime, because its origins are from Japan. Looking at them, you can see where some of the creators from Avatar could get their influences. Heres another way of looking at it, look at the little chart at shows a couple different anime, but see how they are are a little bit different?

Heres another way of looking at it, look at the little chart at shows a couple different anime, but see how they are are a little bit different? So another question, is why do people get so into it? Well, I like it because, it’s like watching a TV show. There are so many different types of TV shows just as much as there are animes. Because you have your romantics, your action based, your horror, which is one of my favorites, the more sillier ones, cop shows, I could go on for days about this. My reason, is an escape from the real world. You can enter into a world where girls are more tougher than guys, and even where girls have to save the guys. Were you are a ninja fighting for your honor, or even finding a new world in your own back yard. Also just look at the hair! One of my favorite animes right now, the main girl’s hair is short and purple.  

Its called Tokyo Ghoul, and her name is Touka if anyone wants to know.The other reason was because, in anime you don’t really see the parents, or you see the main character moving to a new place. That is a sign for growing up. Moving is a big part of growing up, some people need help with this. This is a big reason, because if you are watching this as a kid, knowing its okay to move away, its okay to grow up a bit, and it’s okay when you lose someone you care about, because you can be stronger by the experience. As a kid growing up, that was very import. 

Next time, I will be covering what types of anime that are out there. And giving you a small idea to what to look for. See you then.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Blog Number One- Welcome!

Hello, and welcome to Angela’s Anime blog! This is a blog about anime and what it is really and what can you get out of it. Most people when they think of anime, they would say, 14 year old school girls in sluttly clolths, or its just for kids. Well, I can’t say that’s not true, but would it be true if someone said, all country music is about drinking beer, loving America, and having sex, or even metal song is about satanic cult? Are there some anime that is more revealing than others? Yes. Are some for kids? Yes. But it's not just that. There is so much more into anime than just kids and 14 year olds in slutty clothes. Its about expressing the animator's imagination. And how you can get through tough times, like death, war, diseases, or even the hard truth of just growing up, losing your parents or loved ones.
The next following posts will be about the following; what is it and why do people get into it, to see what types of anime is good for what person, how someone can learn how to respect the animators work, how to not be shy when you tell people you are into anime.
Keep in mind, this isn’t for everyone, and that is okay. We do not have to like the same thing. That is what’s great about anime. There are hundreds of different types and genres of anime. And you don’t have to like the same ones as others. Its great to express yourself, and this is different way on how.
Hope you enjoy the blog.